a resource for ahlu's sunnah
Updated : 4 Rabi al-Awwal, 1440 AH
The Muhannad Deceit
Essential rulings of the Hanafi school
These are 52 rulings - one for each jumu'ah speech - that are necessary for every Hanafi to know. Read more.
Ijma'a on the Superiority of Shaykhayn
Alahazrat and his taqwa
Alahazrat Imam Ahmad Rida’s entire life was adorned with meticulous following of the Shari’ah and Sunnah of the Prophet and his taqwa had reached an elevated level. I shall present some incidents from his life that show that he not only had taqwa but had also attained the rank of wara’a. Read more.
Mercy for the Worlds
The Qur'an describes the Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam as 'rahmata'l lil 'alamin'. What things does this attribute of Prophethood necessitate? Read more.
Imam Ahmad Rida Baraylawi and refuting the Shi'a
The Imam wrote numerous books agains the Shi'a and silenced the Tafzilis. Read more.
Salah behind Tafdilis
It is strongly prohibited to perform prayers behing a Tafdili. Read more.
The hadith of Qirtas
Near his demise, the Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam asked for paper to write some guidance for his ummah. Umar radiyAllahu 'anhu replied: The Qur'an is enough for us. Ahlu's Sunnah explain this hadith such that it shows the wisdom of Umar radiyAllahu 'anhu. Read more.
The hadith of Thuwayba and Mawlid al-Nabi
It is in a hadith of Bukhari that Allah reduced the punishment upon Abu Lahab for showing happiness at the birth of the Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam. Read more.
The light of the Prophet and the hadith of Jabir
Ahlu's Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah believe the Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam to be light and the scholars of Islam, throughout the ages, have narrated the hadith of Jabir radiyAllahu 'anhu. They also believe that the Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam did not have a shadow. Read more.
Knowledge of the Unseen and 'Ulum al-Khamsa
Allah bestowed His beloved Prophet with vast knowledge of the Unseen [Ghayb] and even the Five. Read more.
The reality about the Prophet's parents
Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad ibn 'Alawi Maliki discusses the issue of the Prophet's parents and refutes certain misconceptions. Read more.
The parents of the Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam were Muslim
Here, it has been proven from the Qur'an, Sunnah and scholars of Islam that the parents of the Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam were Muslim. Read more.
The life of Prophets in their graves
Ahlu's Sunnah believe that Prophets are alive in their graves with a physical life which is far greater than the life we have in this world. Read more.
Imam Ahmad Rida Baraylawi and Tafdil al-Shaykhayn
Whoever gives precedence to 'Ali radiyAllahu 'anhu or anyone else over Abu Bakr or 'Umar radiyAllahu 'anhuma; such a person is an innovator. This is a list of places in al-Fatawa al-Ridawiyyah where the issue is discussed. Read more.
Seeking the help of the servants of Allah
Ahlu's Sunnah believe that it is permissible to seek the aid of the chosen servants of Allah who can help us by the will of Allah. Here, we deal with 10 oft raised objections to this practice. Read more.
Kanz al-Iman fi Tarjamat al-Qur'an
The finest Urdu translation of the Qur'an written by Imam Ahmad Rida. Read more.
Ahlu's Sunnah wa'l Jama'ah - An Introduction
What were the original beliefs of the Muslims in the Subcontinent? When and why did the disagreement begin? Read more.
Isaal al-Thawab in the Qur'an and Sunnah
Conveying the reward of one's good deeds to others is proven from the Qur'an and Sunnah and has been a practice of Muslims throughout the ages. Read more.
Assalatu wassalamu 'alayka Ya RasulAllah
Since the advent of Islam, Muslims have called upon the Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam with these words. Read more.
'Allama Abdul Hakeem Sharaf Qadri and his work on A'la Hazrat
Contributions of 'Allama Sharaf on the life and works of the Mujaddid, Imam Ahmad Rida. Read more.
Obituary - 'Allama Abdul Hakeem Sharaf Qadri
Mawlana Abdul Mubeen Nu'mani's tribute to the master of Islamic sciences. Read more.
'Allama Abdul Hakeem Sharaf Qadri
A year-by-year look at the life of one of the leading Sunni scholars of our times. Read more.
The life of the dead
Even after they have passed away; the Awliya are given a special life. Read more.
Making vows for the Awliya
What have the scholars of Islam written about making vows [nazr] for the Awliya? Read more.
Mawlid Q & A
A question and answer session regarding celebrating the birth of RasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam. Read more.
The authority of RasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam in the Shari'ah
Allah has granted his Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam the authority to dictate the rules of the Shari'ah. He can make things Halal and Haram and change rulings as he wishes. Read more.
Hafiz-e-Millat 'Allama Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Mubarakpuri
The leading educationalist of India; founder of al-Jamiat al-Ashrafia. Read more.
Referring to Madina as Yathrib
Scholars have prohibited the use of Yathrib to refer to Madina al-Munawwara. Read more.
To say someone is more knowledgeable than RasulAllah
What is the ruling for the person who says someone else is more knowledgeable than RasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam? Read more.
The ruling for the denier of the Khilafa of Abu Bakr and 'Umar
What is the ruling for someone who denies the Khilafa of Shaykhan radiyAllahu ta'ala anhuma? Read more.
Gatherings of Muharram - How should they be conducted?
When remembering Ahlu'l Bayt; one must first make mention of the Sahaba. Read more.
Qur'anic Subject Index
The beliefs of Ahlu's Sunnah are all substantiated in the Qur'an. Read more.
Imam Ahmad Raza Khan
The Mujaddid of the 14th century, whose life mission was to preach the love for RasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam. Read more.
The friends of Allah are created to remove our difficulties
Muslims seek the intermediation of the Awliya because Allah blesses us through them. Read more.
Mawlana Wasi Ahmad Muhaddith Surati
A look at the life of the leading hadith scholar of the Subcontinent. Read more.
The miracles of RasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam
Allah has granted his Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam the authority and power over all things in the world. Read more.
The Hadith of Jibra'il and 'Ilm al-Ghayb
This famous narration is explained according to the Sunni viewpoint regarding the knowledge of the unseen. Read more.
Is Mawlid a practice of Ahlu's Sunnah?
The Sunni scholars of the past permitted the celebration of the Prophet's birthday, sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam. Read more.
Seeking blessings from the graves of the pious
Muslims have always sought blessings from the friends of Allah. Visitation to their shrines to attain the mercy of Allah is a proven act. Read more.
The Shadowless Prophet sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam
RasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam does not have a shadow because he is Noor. Read more.
The reason why Allah created the Worlds
If Allah had not created RasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam, then He would not have created anything. Read more.
Kissing the thumbs when hearing the blessed name
The practice of Taqbil al-Ibhamayn is a blessed one but there are times when caution is required. Read more.
The blessed sandals of RasulAllah
What are the manners of seeking blessings from the Na'layn of our Master sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam. Read more.
Giving explanations of explicit words
When words of clear insult are pronounced, making ta'wil for is not allowed. Read more.
Seeking the advice of his Companions
Why did RasulAllah sallAllahu 'alaihi wasallam seek mashwara from his Sahaba? Read more.
Challenge to the Wahabis
Mawlana Andhe Ki Laathi is a written dialogue between a Sunni and Wahabi and Deobandi scholars. It is a ground breaking and lengthy discussion on the controversial topics of Shirk and Bid'ah. The book has been endorsed by leading scholars of India and Pakistan.
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